Your Spring Garden Checklist - Month-by-Month

Posted on: Monday, March 25, 2013

The sun is shining, the garden is waking up, and you're in charge! It's time to plant, prune and prepare your beds for the season to come. Here are a few tips on what steps to take to ensure a beautiful, lush garden this year.


    -Clear leaf mulch from the crowns of perennials

    -Cut back dead stems of perennials (if you didn’t already in the fall)
    -Plant bare-root plants once soil is workable
    -Press down any perennials that have been heaved by frost
    -Remove protective plant coverings, such as burlap
    -Top-dress beds with compost once the ground thaws


    -Cut back summer-blooming shrubs such as hydrangea
    -Divide summer and fall-blooming perennials
    -Plant perennials, trees and shrubs
    -Prune vines such as wisteria, clematis and climbing roses


    -Continue weeding
    -Deadhead spring-flowering perennials
    -Divide spring-flowering perennials
    -Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after they’re done blooming
    -Remove unwanted perennial seedlings
    -Watch for pests such as aphids